Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Miss Representation

November 4 Update:  After several days reflecting on the Irish step-dancer-porn-star comment, I realize that I let someone's judgement of me cloud my thinking, my perception of myself, and generally make me feel like crap. 

I'm the one on the left
How can women EVER expect to move forward in a culture where we continue to judge one-another. THAT, my friends, continues to be the culture women embody. The fact that she interrupted a conversation to call me that says boat-loads about how we treat one another. And this is a very forward thinking, intelligent woman. I've included a picture from the party. You decide.

Original Post
I went to a screening of the documentary Miss Representation
only to discover how much we as women, oh yes, myself included, STILL embody the culture and the objectifying of women.

As my friend Elizabeth so bluntly put it, "We want to feel attractive, sexy, and looked at that way by men." Fuck. As a woman, I can't argue that statement.

What I can argue is that tonight I went to a Halloween party dressed as, of all things, an Irish dancer. Without even THINKING about it, I went from Irish step-dancer to Irish step-dancer-porn-star (Thank you, to my friend XXXXX for pointing out the subtle-obvious). I get it, right. Who doesn't want to feel like every forty-something husband in the room is taking you home in their fantasy tonight-EWWWWW!

The point is, I chose to 'dress up' in a costume that I had already decided was the accepted norm. I didn't give it a thought.

Worst Mother of the Year 2012

The time is ripe, post your Worst Mother of the Year tale here: Somewhere in the mayhem of soccer, lacrosse, orchestra, cross country, hockey and dance we never...fill in the blanks...

-Sent my friend last year's birthday card
-bought our pumpkins
-carved our pumpkins
-found my daughter's boots
-put your sheets back on your bed (I'm sorry, you have a problem sleeping on a bare mattress for 2 weeks? Do it yourself, oh can't reach the bed)

...fill in the blanks my friends, leave a comment. Anyone who is a mother has been there...