Sunday, November 11, 2012

Is it wrong of conscious that
1: is not enough to blog about on it's own
2: I can't post on FaceBook it wrong to wish my husband would JUST STOP TALKING-talk about fucking stream of conscious-holy shit. OK, maybe it's the Loritab, but...
He broke 4 ribs 8 days ago. I get that. Today we bought him a reclining chair so he could be comfortable and get some sleep. He can't sleep in the bed, he can't sleep on the couch, he tried sleeping standing up - but I pushed him over ;)

Anyway, this is the fugliest chair in the world. I think we've re-entered the 80's Italian Leather Era. It has enough "plush overstuffed leather cushions" on it to rival la donna.
_______________________________ dogs have all of a sudden become super dumb. It's November, so that means you can't open the door yourself, WHAT? My chocolate lab is able to work the handle on the front door to let herself in and out. Today, November 11 (Thank you Veterans), it is 60 degrees out at 12:00 AM (so really it's November 12), the back door is open. I have been enjoying music and wine and the quiet noise that IS NOT my husband pontificating. Today the dog decides she can't work the screen door.

Really? Today? You have been working that door for 4 years, you go in and out like you own the place.This is not the front door where you actually had to process how it works, this is a simple>nose>door>barrel through it option.

So I ask you, do I continue to sit here enjoying the beautiful weather, shaking my head at her learned stupidity, or do I cut the neighbors some slack and show her how she need merely stick her fat, blocky head through the edge of the door to open it.
New angle, "Honey, you need to get up and move. While you're there, could you get me some wine?  Oh...and the dogs need to go out.."

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