Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Worst Mother of the Year 2012

The time is ripe, post your Worst Mother of the Year tale here: Somewhere in the mayhem of soccer, lacrosse, orchestra, cross country, hockey and dance we never...fill in the blanks...

-Sent my friend last year's birthday card
-bought our pumpkins
-carved our pumpkins
-found my daughter's boots
-put your sheets back on your bed (I'm sorry, you have a problem sleeping on a bare mattress for 2 weeks? Do it yourself, oh can't reach the bed)

...fill in the blanks my friends, leave a comment. Anyone who is a mother has been there...


  1. I'm wondering which thing they found out about...

    Weaning at the first sight of a tooth
    Locking my kids outside when behaving vilely
    Threatening them with dis-ownership after they locked ME outside
    Driving past my face-down screaming child in the car line at daycare, pretending its not my child
    Being unable to attach right name to correct child, dog or cat
    Sending my child to school with temperature and going to hairdressers
    Not realising my own child is ill
    Using clothing to wipe dirty mouths (theirs or mine - clothing that is)
    Forgetting sunscreen
    Forgetting hats
    Forgetting drink bottles
    Singing a selection of eighties hits instead of lullabies
    Falling asleep during story time

  2. I also am honored to note that my step-mother received this same Award, in 1983, for refusing me permission to elope with a Navy sailor. Though she has misplaced her award in the past decade, she’s here today. Mom? Would you please stand and take a bow? There she is, ladies, Worst Mother of 1983. Give her a hand, will you?
